Myer Rush

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Review of Bombed In His Bed: The Confessions of Jewish Gangster Myer Rush J. TONY SERRA Lawyer/Author of Walking the Circle

“Rosen’s book reads like a blast of adrenalin: every episode like an exploding meteorite. If you read one chapter, you’re hooked. You can’t put it down!

All of the vices, all of the virtues of a consummate criminal lifestyle are examined, in detail, with historical accuracy in facile, direct, simplistic language. From pick-pocket to large international fraud violations, “gangster Myer Rush’s” criminal career is traced with a biographic profile rendition of the Jewish mobster syndrome.

A trail of crime, violence, sex and deceit is the substance of the book: big money easily made, quickly spent; from prison to townhouse; from childhood to old age; from mistress to family; from street life to synagogue, Rosen tells us all about his gangster uncle.

It is the ultimate, clandestine, peeping hole into the titillating dimension of organized crime of past years. The reader quickly identifies with the bravado of the gangster lifestyle and would gladly change places with its protagonists.”

About J. Tony Serra: The focus of the movie True Believer, he defended Black Panther leader Huey Newton and had clients from groups as diverse as the White Panthers, Hells Angels, and New World Liberation Front. A Trial Lawyer of the Year award-winner, Serra has taken a vow of poverty. He keeps only a small amount of what he makes to pay for rent and gas.